On January 1st, 2020, our lives were changed forever. Our daughter Eva, at the time, 9 years old, was diagnosed with something we were completely unaware of – a Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma, or ‘DIPG’.
That day, we learned that DIPG is a rare and, in every case, terminal form of childhood cancer. We were told to “go home and make memories” and that we would be unlikely to spend another ‘New Year’ with Eva.
Despite the pain and heartache we feel every day, we set up The Unbeatable Eva Foundation in order to support other children and families affected by DIPG.
We exist to preserve Eva’s memory. We exist to make sure families have somewhere to turn. We exist so that one day, ‘DIPG’ isn’t followed by the words ‘go home and make memories’. For Eva, and for every child affected by DIPG.

Every year in the UK, around 40 children are diagnosed with DIPG, and are told to ‘go home and make memories’.
Terminal upon diagnosis
Average survival less than 10 months
Chemotherapy doesn’t work
A UK child diagnosed every 9 days
Underfunded and under researched
Click here to learn more about DIPG.